Page speed is the #1 source of frustration and bad technical SEO. With flipsite you always build websites that are in the top 1% of speed tests.
Pages built with Flipsite have the best scores on all Lighthouse tests, much of it thanks to the speed of the site. Speed is what gives a great user experience. Speed is what makes great technical SEO possible. And speed is what makes it a pleasure to develop with flipsite. Speed is the one thing we don't compromise on.
All CSS is always inline to increase speed. And every page only includes CSS that page uses and not one style extra. And a setting to minimize IDs to two letters so the HTML stays as minimal as possible (yes it's extreme but worth it!).
Regardless if you're using the built-in Unsplash stock images or your own we'll automatically compile them into next gen webp image formats of the right sizes required for most common devices and screen sizes. This way you always serve images that take the least bandwidth and look stunning.
No 3rd party javascript libraries that slows down the page. All animations as CSS animations or when needed as in-line javascript in the size of bytes, not kilobytes of unused jquery or similar.
No, no, no, no and no! 😉
The DOM structure of any page is minimal and built around standard HTML elements. No nested DIVs inside DIVs or other magic. Human understandable HTML that accomplishes what you designed to do with minimal bytes sent over the wire on every request.
<h1>Logical minim...</h1>
<p>The DOM structure of any...</p>
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is usually the result of deferred loading of images and fonts. Flipsite intelligently defers loading but has placeholders for both fonts and images with the right size given at load time, so that CLS is minimized while optimizing for speed.
Getting from 99% to 100% on lighthouse score tests, require lightning fast loaded fonts. Because of this Flipsite hosts all Google fonts locally from your project.
Localize everything and every string, date and currency with ease.
Pages built with Flipsite have the best SEO scores on all Lighthouse tests.
Beautiful design for everyone
Build for the bottom 70% with impaired vision, old devices and screen readers.
No vendor lock-in. Deploy your website effortlessly across diverse platforms and regions.
Build lightning fast pages, without ANY effort.
Automatically or semi-automatically fulfil regulatory requirements.
This call to action text is generated by AI – because when you run out of ideas on what to do, Flipsite's AI engine will help you drive conversion!
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