
W3C compliant WCAG report

Accessibility Evaluation Report for Flipsite Ltd

About the Evaluation

Report Creator: Henrik Karlström

Evaluation Commissioner: Flipsite Ltd (

Evaluation date: Thu May 16, 2024

Executive Summary and sites built with the website builder Flipsite comply with all tested items, due to following good HTML best practices. Some of the items are not relevant for static informational websites, which is what Flipsite is used of and a few ones need to be tested site by site in regards to e.g. video material that was unable to be tested right now.

Scope of the Evaluation

Website name: Flipsite

Scope of the website: All web content of the public website of Flipsite Ltd located at

WCAG Version: 2.2

Conformance target: AA

Accessibility support baseline: We aim to support as many browsers and assistive technologies as possible, so our users can choose the best fitting tools for them, with as few limitations as possible. Therefore, we have worked very hard to be able to support all major systems that comprise over 95% of the user market share, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera and Microsoft Edge, JAWS, and NVDA (screen readers), both for Windows and MAC users.

Additional evaluation requirements: The report will include a list of all errors identified by the evaluator in a default scenario when using as a website builder. Unless the website owner has changed these it is a very solid basis and in most cases 100% to the point of what websites built with the technology encompass. A website owner may change this text after doing an analysis of their own.

Detailed Audit Results


Reported on 55 of 55 WCAG 2.2 AA Success Criteria.

All Results

1 Perceivable

1.1 Text Alternatives
Success Criterion Result Observations
1.1.1: Non-text Content Result: Passed Observations:By default Flipsite automatically adds alts and descriptions to inputs, and controls. Flipsite asks users to add alternative texts to media and when applicable developers using flipsite should leave decoration and other content not meant for consumption with aria attributes to indicate so.
1.2 Time-based Media
Success Criterion Result Observations
1.2.1: Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded) Result: Not present Observations:Depends on the user building the website if it is used or not. Flipsite supports this.
1.2.2: Captions (Prerecorded) Result: Not present Observations:Depends on the user building the website if it is used or not. Flipsite supports this.
1.2.3: Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded) Result: Not present Observations:Depends on the user building the website if it is used or not. Flipsite supports this.
1.2.4: Captions (Live) Result: Not present Observations:Depends on the user building the website if it is used or not. Flipsite supports this.
1.2.5: Audio Description (Prerecorded) Result: Passed Observations:Flipsite adds descriptions by default to media.
1.3 Adaptable
Success Criterion Result Observations
1.3.1: Info and Relationships Result: Passed Observations:All sites built with are built around structure in the HTML. A website developer cannot override this structure which means that content is tabbable through, logical and follows the same pattern and structure on all pages.
1.3.2: Meaningful Sequence Result: Passed Observations:Same reasoning as in the previous section: The HTML itself is structured and static, meaning the readability is also structured and most importantly no dynamic shifting of logic, common in many other websites due to heavy usage of javascript and dynamic loading of content. built sites do not suffer from this and thus comply better with meaningful sequences.
1.3.3: Sensory Characteristics Result: Passed Observations:By default yes. It is theoretically possible to override this, but the tooling itself guides against this.
1.3.4: Orientation Result: Passed defaults to sites that work on all screen sizes and orientations. It is almost impossible to build sites that would not comply with this.
1.3.5: Identify Input Purpose Result: Passed names input fields and uses different components with browser native validation to maximize input purpose and autofill by browsers of eg. name, phone number, credit card details etc.
1.4 Distinguishable
Success Criterion Result Observations
1.4.1: Use of Color Result: Passed Observations:100% aligned with as a design principle.
1.4.2: Audio Control Result: Passed Observations:Do not support audio background.
1.4.3: Contrast (Minimum) Result: Passed Observations:Flipsite color themes have built in W3C AA and AAA creation, meaning that if a website is built with primary and secondary color, autogenerates AA and AA compliant color mixins for both dark mode and light mode, using the theme colors.
1.4.4: Resize text Result: Passed Observations:The benefit of the website being built on native HTML, without addons and javascript scaling is that the browser native text resize functions always work as intended.
1.4.5: Images of Text Result: Passed Observations:By default yes.
1.4.10: Reflow Result: Passed
1.4.11: Non-text Contrast Result: Passed Observations:Flipsite's automatic color palette ensures the default behavior complies.
1.4.12: Text Spacing Result: Passed Observations:By default.
1.4.13: Content on Hover or Focus Result: Passed Observations:By default no content hover is there that a) is relevant for the content or b) couldn't in the case of a menu be opened or understood otherwise.

2 Operable

2.1 Keyboard Accessible
Success Criterion Result Observations
2.1.1: Keyboard Result: Passed Observations:True because all is browser native HTML that is structured logically according to content.
2.1.2: No Keyboard Trap Result: Passed
2.1.4: Character Key Shortcuts Result: Passed Observations:No keyboard shortcuts by default, but can be added via accesskey.
2.2 Enough Time
Success Criterion Result Observations
2.2.1: Timing Adjustable Result: Not present
2.2.2: Pause, Stop, Hide Result: Not present
2.3 Seizures and Physical Reactions
Success Criterion Result Observations
2.3.1: Three Flashes or Below Threshold Result: Cannot tell Observations:Has to be validated site by site by i.e. looking at and testing all video content.
2.4 Navigable
Success Criterion Result Observations
2.4.1: Bypass Blocks Result: Passed Observations:Depends on implementation but easy to add links to the top of the page that scroll down to the wanted content or better yet, directly link to content further down on a page either from another page or outside the domain directly.
2.4.2: Page Titled Result: Passed Observations:Titles are autogenerated to include the name of the page and then then domain. This can be changed but the default is made for readability.
2.4.3: Focus Order Result: Passed Observations:As all websites built with are built around the content and then configured for design, they automatically have the focus order of the logical content.
2.4.4: Link Purpose (In Context) Result: Cannot tell Observations:Depends on the content writer and what they write in the link. Has to be validated page by page.
2.4.5: Multiple Ways Result: Passed Observations:Sitemaps are always available, which can be augmented with other assistive techniques on page.
2.4.6: Headings and Labels Result: Cannot tell Observations:Has to be viewed case by case, but by default directs designers towards content-logical sites where labels and headers are meaningful by separating content to a CMS where it is structured. This creates less of a "marketing happy talk" website and more "information driven" websites.
2.4.7: Focus Visible Result: Passed
2.4.11: Focus Not Obscured (Minimum) Result: Passed
2.5 Input Modalities
Success Criterion Result Observations
2.5.1: Pointer Gestures Result: Passed Observations:All designed user interface components support several ways of interacting where e.g. a carousel component also has a breadcrumb that can be used without a swipe path.
2.5.2: Pointer Cancellation Result: Passed Observations:While these in theory can be implemented in custom code, does not support building these because they would be bad UX exactly for the reason why W3C also advices against using them.
2.5.3: Label in Name Result: Passed Observations:Automatic generic link text concatenation.
2.5.4: Motion Actuation Result: Passed Observations:No device motion supported and thus not a problem.
2.5.7: Dragging Movements Result: Passed
2.5.8: Target Size (Minimum) Result: Passed

3 Understandable

3.1 Readable
Success Criterion Result Observations
3.1.1: Language of Page Result: Passed Observations:hreflang automatically on all pages.
3.1.2: Language of Parts Result: Passed Observations:Even true if one page includes several languages, they will have their own blocks with language defined in the HTML.
3.2 Predictable
Success Criterion Result Observations
3.2.1: On Focus Result: Passed Observations:No automatic focus changes built into the platform as default and unlikely somebody will go through the effort to create one.
3.2.2: On Input Result: Passed
3.2.3: Consistent Navigation Result: Passed directs you towards creating sites that have a header component with a menu component inside it. This is always the same. For larger websites it is possible to change the menu based on the sub-section of the site you are on, but even then there is consistency within that sub-section.
3.2.4: Consistent Identification Result: Passed Observations:Componentisation and reusability is key in
3.2.6: Consistent Help Result: Passed Observations:Componentisation ensures this happens.
3.3 Input Assistance
Success Criterion Result Observations
3.3.1: Error Identification Result: Passed Observations:In the pre-made components this is true. Theoretically it is possible to create something of the opposite, but not easy.
3.3.2: Labels or Instructions Result: Passed
3.3.3: Error Suggestion Result: Passed
3.3.4: Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data) Result: Not present Observations:Not within the scope of as a website builder. Should be reviewed within the context of the site.
3.3.7: Redundant Entry Result: Not present
3.3.8: Accessible Authentication (Minimum) Result: Passed

4 Robust

4.1 Compatible
Success Criterion Result Observations
4.1.2: Name, Role, Value Result: Passed
4.1.3: Status Messages Result: Passed

Sample of Audited Web Pages

No sample available.

Web Technology


Recording of Evaluation Specifics

Not provided

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